81 FR 53935 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2016-0011 (HM-251C): Hazardous Materials: FAST Act Requirements for Flammable Liquids and Rail Tank Cars | 15-Aug-16 |
81 FR 42266 - IFR | PHMSA-2016-0041 (HM-258D): Hazardous Materials: Revision of Maximum and Minimum Civil Penalties | 29-Jun-16 |
81 FR 35483 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2013-0225 (HM-218H): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments (RRR) | 2-Jun-16 |
81 FR 31529 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2015-0165 (HM-262): Hazardous Materials: Carriage of Battery-Powered Electronic Smoking Devices in Passenger Baggage | 19-May-16 |
81 FR 25613 - Direct Final Rule | PHMSA-2015-0271 (HM-261): Hazardous Materials: Incorporation by Reference Edition Update for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries: Pressure Piping Code | 29-Apr-16 |
81 FR 18527 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0143 (HM-253): Hazardous Materials: Reverse Logistics (RRR) | 31-Mar-16 |
81 FR 3635 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2013-0042 (HM-233F): Hazardous Materials: Adoption of Special Permits (MAP-21) (RRR) | 21-Jan-16 |
80 FR 79423 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0345 (HM-233D): Hazardous Materials: Requirements for the Safe Transportation of Bulk Explosives (RRR) | 21-Dec-15 |
80 FR 72914 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2015-0103 (HM-260): Hazardous Materials: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications (RRR) | 23-Nov-15 |
80 FR 66817 - IFR | PHMSA-2015-0165 Hazardous Materials: Carriage of Battery-Powered Electronic Smoking Devices in Passenger Baggage | 30-Oct-15 |
80 FR 54418 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0260 (HM-233E): Hazardous Materials: Special Permit and Approvals Standard Operating Procedures and Evaluation Process | 10-Sep-15 |
80 FR 26643 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0082 (HM-251): Hazardous Materials: Enhanced Tank Car Standards and Operational Controls for High-Hazard Flammable Trains | 8-May-15 |
80 FR 1075 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2013-0260 (HM-215M): Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With International Standards (RRR) | 8-Jan-15 |
79 FR 46194 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0258 (HM-258A): Hazardous Materials: Failure To Pay Civil Penalties | 7-Aug-14 |
79 FR 46011 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0095 (HM-224F): Hazardous Materials: Transportation of Lithium Batteries | 6-Aug-14 |
79 FR 40589 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0063 (HM-250): Hazardous Materials: Compatibility With the Regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency | 11-Jul-14 |
79 FR 15033 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0158 (HM-233C): Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of Certain Special Permits and Competent Authorities Into Regulations | 18-Mar-14 |
78 FR 65453 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2013-0041 (HM-215K, HM-215L, HM-218G and HM-219): Hazardous Materials: Corrections and Response to Administrative Appeals | 31-Oct-13 |
78 FR 60755 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0259 (HM-258B): Hazardous Materials: Enhanced Enforcement Procedures - Resumption of Transportation | 2-Oct-13 |
78 FR 60745 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2013-0158 (HM-244F): Hazardous Materials: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications (RRR) | 2-Oct-13 |
78 FR 60726 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2013-0045 (HM-258C): Hazardous Materials: Penalty Guidelines | 2-Oct-13 |
78 FR 58915 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0319 (HM-255): Hazardous Materials: Highway-Rail Grade Crossing; Safe Clearance | 25-Sep-13 |
78 FR 45880 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0201 (HM-254): Hazardous Materials: Approval and Communication Requirements for the Safe Transportation of Air Bag Inflators, Air Bag Modules, and Seat-Belt Pretensioners (RRR) | 30-Jul-13 |
78 FR 42457 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0320 (HM-257): Hazardous Materials: Revision to Fireworks Regulations (RRR) | 16-Jul-13 |
78 FR 23503 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0185 (HM-208I): Hazardous Materials: Temporary Reduction of Registration Fees | 19-Apr-13 |
78 FR 22798 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0257 (HM-258): Hazardous Materials: Revision of Maximum and Minimum Civil Penalties | 17-Apr-13 |
78 FR 15303 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0138 (HM-218G): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments (RRR) | 11-Mar-13 |
78 FR 14702 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0142 (HM-219): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Petitions for Rulemaking (RRR) | 7-Mar-13 |
78 FR 987 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0027 (HM-215L): Hazardous Materials: Harmonization with International Standards (RRR) | 7-Jan-13 |
78 FR 1101 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0126 (HM-215K): Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air | 7-Jan-13 |
77 FR 60935 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2012-0080 (HM-244E): Hazardous Materials: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications (RRR) | 5-Oct-12 |
77 FR 37961 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0018 (HM-216B): Hazardous Materials: Incorporating Rail Special Permits Into the Hazardous Materials Regulations | 25-Jun-12 |
77 FR 22504 - Final Rule | PHMSA-07-29364 (HM-231A): Hazardous Materials: Packages Intended for Transport by Aircraft | 16-Apr-12 |
76 FR 82163 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0126 (HM-215K): Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air | 30-Dec-11 |
76 FR 81396 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0151 (HM-218F): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments; Response to Appeals; Correction | 28-Dec-11 |
76 FR 75470 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0227 (HM-256A): Hazardous Materials: Restricting the Use of Cellular Phones by Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles in Intrastate Commerce | 2-Dec-11 |
76 FR 56304 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0134 (HM-244D): Hazardous Materials: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 13-Sep-11 |
76 FR 44496 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0410 (HM-233B): Hazardous Materials: Revisions of Special Permits Procedures; Response to Appeals; Corrections | 26-Jul-11 |
76 FR 43510 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0151 (HM-218F): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments | 20-Jul-11 |
76 FR 37283 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2011-0102 (HM-145O): Hazardous Materials: Revision to the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities | 27-Jun-11 |
76 FR 32867 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-22987 (HM-238): Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Storage of Explosives During Transportation | 7-Jun-11 |
76 FR 11570 Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-22356 (PHM-7): Hazardous Materials: Enhanced Enforcement Authority Procedures | 2-Mar-11 |
76 FR 10771 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0221 (HM-256): Hazardous Materials: Limiting the Use of Electronic Devices by Highway | 28-Feb-11 |
76 FR 5483 Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0017 (HM-245): Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of Certain Cargo Tank Special Permits Into Regulations | 1-Feb-11 |
76 FR 3308 Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0126 (HM-215K): Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air | 19-Jan-11 |
76 FR 454 -Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0410 (HM-233B): Hazardous Materials Transportation: Revisions of Special Permits Procedures | 5-Jan-11 |
75 FR 60333 - Final Rule | PHMSA-06-25736 (HM-231): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Packaging Amendments | 30-Sep-10 |
75 FR 53593 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2010-0195 (HM-244C): Hazardous Materials: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 1-Sep-10 |
75 FR 27205 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0289 (HM-233A): Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of Special Permits Into Regulations | 14-May-10 |
75 FR 15613 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0201 (HM-208H): Hazardous Materials Transportation; Registration and Fee Assessment Program | 30-Mar-10 |
75 FR 10974 - Final Rule | PHMSA-06-25885 (HM-232F): Hazardous Materials: Risk-Based Adjustment of Transportation Security Plan Requirements | 9-Mar-10 |
75 FR 10974 - Final Rule | PHMSA-06-25885 (HM-232F): Hazardous Materials: Risk-Based Adjustment of Transportation Security Plan Requirements | 9-Mar-10 |
75 FR 5376 - Final Rule | PHMSA-06-25736 (HM-231): Hazardous Material; Miscellaneous Packaging Amendments; Final rule. | 2-Feb-10 |
75 FR 63 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2007-0065 (HM-224D) and PHMSA-2008-0005 (HM-215J): Revision to Requirements for the Transportation of Batteries and Battery-Powered Devices; and Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; Correction | 4-Jan-10 |
74 FR 65696 - Final rule; confirmation of effective date | PHMSA-2009-0238 (HM-224G): Hazardous Materials: Chemical Oxygen Generators; Final rule; confirmation of effective date. | 11-Dec-09 |
74 FR 54489 - correction to final rule | PHMSA-2006-26322 (HM-206F): Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Emergency Response Telephone Numbers; correction | 22-Oct-09 |
74 FR 53413 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2006-26322 (HM-206F): Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Emergency Response Telephone Numbers; Final rule | 19-Oct-09 |
74 FR 53182 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0237 (HM-244B): Hazardous Materials: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; final rule | 16-Oct-09 |
74 FR 52896 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2009-0238 (HM-224G): Hazardous Materials: Chemical Oxygen Generators; Direct final rule. | 15-Oct-09 |
74 FR 16135 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2006-25910 (HM-218E): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle and Cylinder Issues; Petitions for Rulemaking | 9-Apr-09 |
74 FR 2199 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2007-0065 (HM-224D) and PHMSA-2008-0005 (HM-215J): Hazardous Materials: Revision to Requirements for the Transportation of Batteries and Battery-Powered Devices; and Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 14-Jan-09 |
74 FR 1769 - Final Rule | FRA-2006-25169: Hazardous Materials: Improving the Safety of Railroad Tank Car Transportation of Hazardous Materials | 13-Jan-09 |
74 FR 1771 - Final Rule | FRA¿2006¿25169 (HM-246): Hazardous Materials: Improving the Safety of Railroad Tank Car Transportation of Hazardous Materials | 13-Jan-09 |
73 FR 72181 - Final Rule | PHMSA-RSPA-2004-18730 (HM-232E): Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Safety and Security for Hazardous Materials Shipments | 26-Nov-08 |
73 FR 57001 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2008-0227 (HM-244A): Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; Effective date: 10/1/2008 | 1-Oct-08 |
73 FR 23362 - Final Rule | PHMSA200625446 (HM243): Hazardous Materials: Fuel Cell Cartridges and Systems Transported on Board Passenger Aircraft in Carry- On Baggage; Effective Date 10/1/2008 | 30-Apr-08 |
73 FR 20751 - IFR | PHMSA-RSPA-2004-18730 (HM-232E): Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Rail Transportation Safety and Security for Hazardous Materials Shipments; Interim Final Rule; Effective Date 6/1/2008 | 16-Apr-08 |
73 FR 4699 - Final Rule | PHMSA-05-21812 (HM-218D): Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous Amendments; Effective Date 10/1/2008 | 28-Jan-08 |
73 FR 1089 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2006-28711 (HM-145N): Hazardous Materials: Revisions to the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities; Effective Date 3/31/2008 | 7-Jan-08 |
72 FR 55678 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2007-29245 (HM-244): Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; Effective Date 10/1/2007 | 1-Oct-07 |
72 FR 55090 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-23141 (HM-215F): Hazardous Materials; Revision and Reformatting of Requirements for the Authorization To Use International Transport Standards and Regulations; Correction; Effective Date 9/28/2007 | 28-Sep-07 |
72 FR 55091 - Final Rule | RSPA-04-17664 (HM-224B): Hazardous Materials Regulations: Transportation of Compressed Oxygen, Other Oxidizing Gases and Chemical Oxygen Generators on Aircraft; correction; Effective Date 10/1/2008 | 28-Sep-07 |
72 FR 44929 - Final Rule | PHMSA-02-11989 (HM-224C) and PHMSA-04-19886 (HM-224E): Hazardous Materials; Transportation of Lithium Batteries; Effective Date 1/1/2008 | 9-Aug-07 |
72 FR 25161 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-23141 (HM-215F): Hazardous Materials: Revision and Reformatting of Requirements for the Authorization To Use International Transport Standards and Regulations; Effective Date 10/1/2007 | 3-May-07 |
72 FR 24536 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2006-25589 (HM-208F): Hazardous Materials Transportation; Miscellaneous Revisions to Registration and Fee Assessment Program; Effective Date 6/30/2007 | 3-May-07 |
72 FR 4442 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-23141 (HM-215F): Hazardous Materials: Revision and Reformatting of Requirements for the Authorization To Use International Transport Standards and Regulations; Effective Date 10/1/2007 | 31-Jan-07 |
71 FR 78595 - Final Rule | PHMSA-06-25476 (HM-215I): Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; Effective Date 1/1/2006 | 29-Dec-06 |
71 FR 56894 - Final Rule | Docket No. 04-19886 (HM-224E): Hazardous Materials: Prohibition on the Transportation of Primary Lithium Batteries and Cells Aboard Passenger Aircraft; Correction; Effective Date 10/1/2006 | 28-Sep-06 |
71 FR 54937 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2006-25496 (HM-189Z): Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; Correction; Effective Date 10/1/2006. | 20-Sep-06 |
71 FR 54387 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2006-25496 (HM-189Z); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; Effective Date 10/1/2007. | 14-Sep-06 |
71 FR 51122 - Final Rule | PHMSA-03-14405 (HM-220F); Hazardous Materials: Aluminum Cylinders Manufactured of Aluminum Alloy 6351-T6 Used in SCUBA, SCBA, and Oxygen Services--Revised Requalification and Use Criteria; Effective Date 1/1/2007. | 29-Aug-06 |
71 FR 44929 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-22208 (HM-240); Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of Statutorily Mandate Revisions to the Hazardous Materials Regulations; Correction; Effective Date 8/8/2006. | 8-Aug-06 |
71 FR 33858 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-17463 (HM-220E); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for UN Cylinders; Effective Date 9/11/2006. | 12-Jun-06 |
71 FR 32243 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2004-16895 (HM-226A); Hazardous Materials: Infectious Substances; Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations; Effective Date 10/1/2006. | 2-Jun-06 |
71 FR 23869 - Final Rule | RSPA-2004-18795 (HM-237); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Lighters and Lighter Refills; response to appeals; correction; Effective Date 1/1/2007. | 25-Apr-06 |
71 FR 14585 - Final Rule | RSPA-02-11654 (HM-228); Hazardous Materials: Revision of Requirements for Carriage by Aircraft; Effective Date 10/1/2006. | 22-Mar-06 |
71 FR 8485 - Final Rule | PHMSA-05-22461; Hazardous Materials: Revisions to Civil and Criminal Penalties; Penalty Guidelines; Effective Date 2/17/2006. | 17-Feb-06 |
71 FR 3418 - Final Rule | RSPA-2004-18795 (HM-237); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Lighters and Lighter Refills; Effective Date 1/1/2007. | 23-Jan-06 |
70 FR 73156 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-22208 (HM-240); Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of Statutorily Mandated Revisions to the Hazardous Materials Regulations; Effective Date 1/9/2006. | 9-Dec-05 |
70 FR 56083 - Final Rule | PHMSA-2005-22071 (HM-189Y); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; Effective Date 9/28/2005. | 23-Sep-05 |
70 FR 43638 - Final Rule | PHMSA-04-19173 (HM-223A); Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to a "Person Who Offers" a Hazardous Material for Transportation in Commerce; Effective Date 10/1/2005. | 28-Jul-05 |
70 FR 34065 - Final Rule | PHMSA-04-17036 (HM-215G); Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; Effective Date 8/12/2005. | 13-Jun-05 |
70 FR 33378 - Final Rule | PHMSA-04-18683 (HM-218C); Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous Amendments; Effective Date 3/25/2005; ICR Expires 5/31/2008. | 8-Jun-05 |
70 FR 20018 - Final Rule | PHMSA-98-4952 (HM-223); Hazardous Materials: Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading, and Storage; Editorial Corrections; Effective Date 6/1/2005. | 15-Apr-05 |
70 FR 8956 - Final Rule | PHMSA-00-7762 (HM-206C); Hazardous Materials: Availability of Information for Hazardous Materials Transported by Aircraft; Effective Date 2/24/2005. | 24-Feb-05 |
70 FR 3302 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-16370 (HM-233); Hazardous Materials: Incorporation of Exemptions Into Regulations; Effective Date: 3/25/2005. | 24-Jan-05 |
69 FR 76423 - Final Rule | RSPA-91-13289; FS-1; Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), DOT; Safeguarding Food From Contamination During Transportation. | 21-Dec-04 |
69 FR 76043 - Final Rule | RSPA-04-17036 (HM-215G); Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; Effective Date 1/1/2005. | 20-Dec-04 |
69 FR 75207 - Final Rule | Docket No. RSPA-04-19886 (HM-224E); Hazardous Materials: Prohibition on the Transportation of Primary Lithium Batteries and Cells Aboard Passenger Aircraft Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; Effective Date 12/29/2004. | 15-Dec-04 |
69 FR 70902 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4952 (HM-223); Hazardous Materials: Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading, and Storage. | 8-Dec-04 |
69 FR 64461 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-15327 (Docket No. HM-206B); Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Changes to the Hazard Communication Requirements. | 4-Nov-04 |
69 FR 58841 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6283 (HM-230); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Compatibility With the Regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency; Correction. | 1-Oct-04 |
69 FR 55113 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6283 (HM-230); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Compatibility With the Regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency; Correction. | 13-Sep-04 |
69 FR 54042 - Final Rule | RSPA-04-16099 (HM-189W); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications. | 7-Sep-04 |
69 FR 53352 - Final Rule | RSPA-00-7762 (HM-206C); Hazardous Materials: Availability of Information for Hazardous Materials Transported by Aircraft. | 1-Sep-04 |
69 FR 41967 - Final Rule | RSPA-2004-18575 (HM-189X); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections. | 13-Jul-04 |
69 FR 34604 - Final Rule | RSPA-2003-13658 (HM-215E); Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions. | 22-Jun-04 |
69 FR 30588 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4952 (HM-223); Hazardous Materials: Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading, and Storage. | 28-May-04 |
69 FR 30113 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-5013 (HM-229); Hazardous Materials: Revisions to Incident Reporting Requirements and the Hazardous Materials Incident Report Form; Correction. | 26-May-04 |
69 FR 20831 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-13658 (HM-215E); Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions. | 19-Apr-04 |
69 FR 12088 - Final Rule | Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material. | 15-Mar-04 |
69 FR 6195 (HM-232C) - Final Rule | RSPA-03-14982 (HM-232C); Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Hazardous Materials Transportation Security (Compliance with other federal requirements). | 10-Feb-04 |
69 FR 3631 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6283 (HM-230); Hazardous Materials Regulations; Compatibility With the Regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency. | 26-Jan-04 |
68 FR 75733 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-15574 (HM-189U); Hazardous Materials: Matter Incorporated by Reference. | 31-Dec-03 |
68 FR 67745 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-5013 (HM-229); Hazardous Materials: Revisions to Incident Reporting Requirements and the Hazardous Materials Incident Report Form. | 3-Dec-03 |
68 FR 61905 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4952 (HM-223); Applicability of the Hazardous Materials Regulations to Loading, Unloading, and Storage | 30-Oct-03 |
68 FR 57629 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-16099 (HM-189V); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 6-Oct-03 |
68 FR 55542 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-10373 (HM-220D); Hazardous Materials: Approval Program for Certain Persons Performing Visual Requalification of DOT Specification Cylinders; Extension of Compliance Date | 26-Sep-03 |
68 FR 52844 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-15372 (RSP-5); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Penalty Guidelines and Other Procedural Regulations | 8-Sep-03 |
68 FR 52363 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-3554 (HM-213); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Cargo Tanks | 3-Sep-03 |
68 FR 48562 - Final Rule | RSPA-02-13773 (HM-218B); Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments | 14-Aug-03 |
68 FR 44991 Final Rule | RSPA-03-19016 (HM-215E); Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 31-Jul-03 |
68 FR 32679 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10373 (HM-220D); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Maintenance, Requalification, Repair and Use of DOT Specification Cylinders; Correction of Compliance Dates | 2-Jun-03 |
68 FR 32409 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10533 (HM-218A); Transportation of Hazardous Materials; Unloading of Intermodal (IM) and UN Portable Tanks on Transport Vehicles | 29-May-03 |
68 FR 31627 - Final Rule | RSPA-02-12064 (HM-232); Hazardous Materials Security Plans; Information Collection Approval | 28-May-03 |
68 FR 24653 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10373 (HM-220D);Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Maintenance, Requalification, Repair and Use of DOT Specification Cylinders; Response to Appeals and Extension of Compliance Dates | 8-May-03 |
68 FR 23851 - Final Rule | TSA-2003-14610; Amendment No. 1572-1; Security Threat Assessment for Individuals Applying for a Hazardous Materials Endorsement for a Commercial Drivers License | 5-May-03 |
68 FR 23843 - Final Rule | FMCSA-2001-11117; Limitations on the Issuance of Commercial Driver's Licenses with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement | 5-May-03 |
68 FR 23831 - Final Rule | RSPA-03-14982 (HM-232C); Hazardous Materials: Enhancing Hazardous Materials Transportation Security | 5-May-03 |
68 FR 19257 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-3554 (HM-213); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Cargo Tanks | 18-Apr-03 |
68 FR 14509 - HM-232, Final Rule | RSPA-02-12064 (HM-232); Hazardous Materials: Security Requirements for Offerors and Transporters of Hazardous Materials (Security Plans) | 25-Mar-03 |
68 FR 14341 - Final Rule | RSPA-00-7762 (HM-206C); Hazardous Materials: Availability of Information for Hazardous Materials Transported by Aircraft | 25-Mar-03 |
68 FR 1341 - Final Rule | RSPA-00-8439 (HM-208D);Hazardous Materials: Temporary Reduction of Registration Fees; Effective Date March 3, 2003 | 9-Jan-03 |
68 FR 1013 - Final Rule | RSPA-02-13658 (HM-215E);Harmonization with the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions; Incorporation by Reference | 8-Jan-03 |
67 FR 66571 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10568 (HM-207B); Hazardous Materials: Retention of Shipping Papers | 1-Nov-02 |
67 FR 62191 - Final Rule | FMCSA-02-13376; RSPA-02-12773 (HM-232B); Revision to Periodic Tire Check Requirement for Motor Carriers Transporting Hazardous Materials | 4-Oct-02 |
67 FR 61287 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10373 (HM-220D); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Maintenance, Requalification, Repair and Use of DOT Specification Cylinders; Extension of Compliance Dates and Corrections | 30-Sep-02 |
67 FR 61006 - Final Rule | RSPA-02-12524 (HM-189T); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 27-Sep-02 |
67 FR 58343 - Final Rule | RSPA-02-13328 (HM-208E); Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Revisions to Registration Requirements; Effective Date: January 6, 2003 | 16-Sep-02 |
67 FR 54967 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-3971 (HM-226); Hazardous Materials: Revision to Standards for Infectious Substances | 27-Aug-02 |
67 FR 53118 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-3971 (HM-226); Hazardous Materials: Revision to Standards for Infectious Substances | 14-Aug-02 |
67 FR 51625 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10373 (HM-220D); Hazardous Materials: Requirements for Maintenance, Requalification, Repair and Use of DOT Specification Cylinders | 8-Aug-02 |
67 FR 46123 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10568 (HM-207B); Hazardous Materials: Retention of Shipping Papers | 12-Jul-02 |
67 FR 42947 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-3974; Revised and Clarified Hazardous Materials Safety Rulemaking and Program Procedures | 25-Jun-02 |
67 FR 15736 - Final Rule | RSPA-2000-7702 (HM-215D); Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 3-Apr-02 |
67 FR 13680 - Final Rule | RSPA-2002-11675 (HM-145M); Hazardous Materials: Revisions to the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities | 25-Mar-02 |
67 FR 9926 - Final Rule | RSPA-2002-11675 (HM-145M); Hazardous Materials: Revisions to the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities | 5-Mar-02 |
66 FR 45177 - Final Rule | RSPA-01-10374 (HM-189S); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 28-Sep-01 |
66 FR 49555 - Final Rule | RSPA-2001-9567 (HM-189R); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Minor Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 28-Sep-01 |
66 FR 44251 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6195 (HM-206D); Hazardous Materials: Exceptions From Labeling and Placarding Materials Poisonous by Inhalation (PIH) | 22-Aug-01 |
66 FR 33315 - Final Rule | RSPA-00-7702 (HM-215D); Harmonization with the United Nations Recommendations,International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 21-Jun-01 |
66 FR 8644 - Final Rule | RSPA-00-7702 (HM-215D); Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations and the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code | 1-Feb-01 |
65 FR 58613 - Final Rule | RSPA-00-7755 (HM-189Q); Hazardous Materials Regulations: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications | 29-Sep-00 |
65 FR 50450 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6213 (HM-218); Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous Amendments | 18-Aug-00 |
65 FR 49763 - Final Rule | Office of the Secretary; OST-2000-7761 (Notice No. 00-7); Organization and Delegation of Powers and Duties; Delegations Concerning the Hazardous Materials Transportation Programs | 15-Aug-00 |
65 FR 7310 - Final Rule | RSPA-2000-6744 (HM-145L); TITLE:Hazardous Materials: Hazardous Substances--Revisions | 14-Feb-00 |
65 FR 7297 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-5137 (HM-208C); TITLE:Hazardous Materials Transportation; Registration and Fee Assessment Program | 14-Feb-00 |
64 FR 61219 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6212 (HM-189P); TITLE:Hazardous Materials Regulations: Editorial Corrections and Clarifications; Correction | 10-Nov-99 |
64 FR 51719 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6195 (HM-206D); TITLE:Hazardous Materials: Limited Extension of Requirements for Labeling Materials Poisonous by Inhalation (PIH) | 24-Sep-99 |
64 FR 50260 - Final Rule | RSPA-99-6195 (HM-206D); TITLE:Hazardous Materials: Limited Extension of Requirements for Labeling Materials Poisonous by Inhalation (PIH) | 16-Sep-99 |
64 FR 45387 - Final Rule | HM-224A; TITLE:Hazardous Materials: Chemical Oxidizers and Compressed Oxygen Aboard Aircraft | 19-Aug-99 |
64 FR 44578 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4185 (HM-215C); TITLE: Harmonization with the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 16-Aug-99 |
64 FR 44426 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4185 (HM-215C); TITLE: Harmonization with the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 16-Aug-99 |
64 FR 36802 - Final Rule | RSPA-97-2718 (HM-225A); TITLE: Hazardous Materials: Revision to Regulations Governing Transportation and Unloading of Liquefied Compressed Gases (Chlorine) | 8-Jul-99 |
64 FR 28029 - Final Rule | RSPA-97-2718 (HM-225A); TITLE: Hazardous Materials: Revision to Regulations Governing Transportation and Unloading of Liquefied Compressed Gases | 24-May-99 |
64 FR 10741 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4185 (HM-215C); TITLE: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions | 5-Mar-99 |
64 FR 9923 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4943 (HM-225B); TITLE: Hazardous Materials: Authorization for the Continued Manufacture of Certain MC 331 Cargo Tanks | 1-Mar-99 |
63 FR 58323 - Final Rule | RSPA-97-2905 (HM-166Y); TITLE: Transportation of Hazardous Materials; Miscellaneous Amendments | 30-Oct-98 |
63 FR 57929 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4185 (HM-215C); TITLE:"Harmonization with the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions" | 29-Oct-98 |
63 FR 52843 - Final Rule | RSPA-98-4404 (HM-189O); TITLE:"Hazardous Materials Regulations; Editorial Corrections and Clarifications" | 1-Oct-98 |
63 FR 48565 - Final Rule | RSPA-97-2850 (HM-169B); TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Withdrawal of Radiation Protection Program Requirement" | 10-Sep-98 |
63 FR 16069 - Final Rule | HM-206; TITLE:"Improvements to Hazardous Materials Identification Systems; Editorial Revisions and Responses to Petitions for Reconsideration and Appeal" | 1-Apr-98 |
63 FR 8140 - Final Rule | HM-200; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials in Intrastate Commerce; Technical Amendments" | 18-Feb-98 |
62 FR 66900 - Final Rule | HM-169B; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Radiation Protection Program Requirement" | 22-Dec-97 |
62 FR 66897 - Final Rule | HM-169B; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Radiation Protection Program Requirement" | 22-Dec-97 |
62 FR 65187 - Final Rule | HM-225; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles in Liquefied Compressed Gas Service; Response To Petitions for Reconsideration; Editorial Revisions; and Rules Clarification" | 10-Dec-97 |
62 FR 51553 - Final Rules | HM-189N; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials Regulations; Editorial Corrections and Clarifications" | 1-Oct-97 |
62 FR 49559 - Final Rule | HM-200; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials in Intrastate Commerce; Delay of Compliance Date, Technical Amendments, Corrections and Response to Petitions for Reconsideration" | 22-Sep-97 |
62 FR 49171 - Final Rule | HM-225; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles in Liquefied Compressed Gas Service; Advisory Guidance for Leak Testing Discharge Systems" | 19-Sep-97 |
62 FR 46214 - Final Rule | HM-169B; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Withdrawal of Radiation Protection Program Requirement" | 2-Sep-97 |
62 FR 45702 - Final Rule | HM-206; TITLE:"Improvements to Hazardous Materials Identification Systems; Corrections and Responses to Petitions for Reconsideration" | 28-Aug-97 |
62 FR 45702-215B - Final Rule | HM-215B; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions"; Correction; | 28-Aug-97 |
62 FR 44913 - Final Rule | HM-221B; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Use of Non-Specification Open-Head Fiber Drum Packagings "; Confirmation of effective date of direct final rule | 25-Aug-97 |
62 FR 44037 - Final Rule | HM-225; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles in Liquefied Compressed Gas Service"; Revisions and Response to Petitions for Reconsideration | 18-Aug-97 |
62 FR 39397 - Final Rule | HM-206; TITLE:"Improvements to Hazardous Materials Identification Systems; Corrections and Responses to Petition for Reconsideration" | 22-Jul-97 |
62 FR 34667 - Final Rule | HM-224A; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Shipping Description and Packaging of Oxygen Generators; Delay of Effective Date, Technical Amendments and Corrections" | 27-Jun-97 |
62 FR 34415 - Final Rule | RSP-3; TITLE:"Availability of Interpretations of Hazardous Materials and Pipeline Safety Regulations; Correction" | 26-Jun-97 |
62 FR 30767 - Final Rule | HM-224A; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Shipping Description and Packaging of Oxygen Generators" | 5-Jun-97 |
62 FR 29673 - Final Rule | HM-221B; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials: Use of Non-Specification Open-Head Fiber Drum Packagings" | 2-Jun-97 |
62 FR 24689 - Final Rule | HM-215B; TITLE:"Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions" | 6-May-97 |
62 FR 24055 - Final Rule | RSP-3; TITLE:"Availability of Interpretations of Hazardous Materials and Pipeline Safety Regulations | 2-May-97 |
62 FR 14334 - Final Rule | Docket No. HM181H; Amdt. Nos. 172150, 173255, 178117; RIN 2137AC80; Performance-Oriented Packaging Standards; Final Transitional Provisions; Revisions and Response to Petitions for Reconsideration | 26-Mar-97 |
62 FR 14334 - Final Rule | HM-181H; TITLE:"Performance-Oriented Packaging Standards; Final Transitional Provisions; Revisions and Response to Petitions for Reconsideration" | 26-Mar-97 |
62 FR 2970 - Final Rule | HM-207F; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials Regulations; Penalty Guidelines" | 21-Jan-97 |
62 FR 1217 - Final Rule | HM-206; TITLE:"Improvements to Hazardous Materials Identification Systems" | 8-Jan-97 |
62 FR 1207 - Final Rule | HM-200; TITLE:"Hazardous Materials in Intrastate Commerce" | 8-Jan-97 |
61 FR 68951 - Final Rule | HM-224; TITLE: "Prohibition of Oxygen Generators as Cargo in Passenger- Aircraft" | 30-Dec-96 |
61 FR 65958 - Final Rule | HM-215B; TITLE:"Harmonization With the United Nations Recommendations, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and International Civil Aviation Organization's Technical Instructions" | 16-Dec-96 |
61 FR 50615 - Final Rule | HM-181H; TITLE:"Performance-Oriented Packaging Standards; Final Transitional Provisions | 26-Sep-96 |
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